We’ve got five transformative add-ons for your Ecommerce site that will help increase revenue and improve customer experience. The online shopping landscape has changed significantly over the last two years and along with it, your customer’s expectations. If sales are flat or in decline, consider implementing these ecommerce solutions that help to reach social networks, simplify mobile, expand payment options and increase conversions.
1. Facebook Store
Tap into Facebook’s network of over 1 billion users by adding a store tab to your Facebook page that allows customers to shop and purchase items directly on Facebook. This opens up additional possibilities when combined with a successful social strategy and paid media campaign.
2. Amazon Payments
The Amazon Payment solution is similar to Paypal and other external payment products in that it allows customers to securely login and pay with an existing account rather than enter credit card and billing information within your checkout process. The convenience and security will convert sales at a higher rate and improves user experience on mobile devices significantly. With over 300 million active users, Amazon Payments allows you to tap into a large customer base and associates your site with a trusted brand.
3. Customer Reviews & Comments
70% of shoppers trust the opinion of other consumers when shopping online according to a study in Nielsen’s Global Trust Advertising report. Google values your customer comments as relevant content and will reward you with improved search rankings for your product pages. We use Disqus to add customer comments on product pages. Disqus is a leading solution, free to use, easy to implement and mobile friendly.
4. Single Page Checkout
Convert customers quickly with a hassle-free single page checkout process that is responsive to adapt to desktop, laptop, tablet and smart phone views. At Cyber-NY we use a popular 3 column format that adjusts to the device and allows the user to quickly purchase by credit card, Paypal or Amazon payments.
5. Paypal, Google and Amazon Login
Once again, ease of use, security and mobile are all top of mind with today’s shoppers. Leverage the brand value and secure offerings of the major commerce players by providing your customers with the ability to quickly login to their account with Facebook, Amazon or Google+. This also opens potential for sharing their experiences through these networks.
These 5 tips are a starting point to help evaluate how well your ecommerce site is addressing current customer needs. Beyond this, look at your content, product descriptions, optimizing product landing pages and use of video for product demos. This list is compiled from our direct experience making a difference for our clients by solving problems and helping grow revenue from their ecommerce websites. Cyber New York implements all of the above solutions and more. Need an evaluation, contact us for a free evaluation.